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Glen Gibellina Fatherless Fathers Day Bradenton Herald


Father’s Day is tough on dads without visitation rights. As we all look forward to this Father’s Day, the best gift any woman could give to a father is the acknowledgment of the irreplaceable value men and fathers bring to a relationship, to children and what they afford the greater society.

What an abject tragedy, what a horrific loss it is for any child to endure a life apart from their father.

The last 30-plus years have unfortunately not been kind to fathers and more importantly their children. It is today an unfortunate fact that of the approximate 70 million fathers in the U.S., 35 million are divorced.

Of those 35 million fathers, as a result of an anti-family court system, approximately 84.4 percent have been relegated to the status of non-custodial parent. Family courts are wrong: I have not seen my child in over two years.

It is not fathers “abandoning” their children, it’s feminism, mothers and a biased family court system conspiring for financial gain and legal leverage to secure court orders denying fathers their rights to their children and children their rights to their father.

If you want fathers to act more like fathers, get government out of the way, stop policies that encourage extended court litigation, bogus restraining orders and willful violations of visitations by the custodial parent with no consequences.

There exists today no greater single threat to the long-term well-being of children, our communities, or our nation than the increasing number of children being raised without a committed, responsible, and loving father.

Fatherlessness is a growing problem America. Whether caused by divorce and broken families, or by deliberate single parenting, more and more children grow up without fathers. Indeed, 85 percent of single parent families are fatherless families.

Glen Gibellina



Read more here: http://www.bradenton.com/2013/06/15/4568427/too-many-children-denied-access.html#storylink=cpyOf those 35 million fathers, as a result of an anti-family court system, approximately 84.4 percent have been relegated to the status of non-custodial parent. Family courts are wrong: I have not seen my child in over two years.It is not fathers “abandoning” their children, it’s feminism, mothers and a biased family court system conspiring for financial gain and legal leverage to secure court orders denying fathers their rights to their children and children their rights to their father.If you want fathers to act more like fathers, get government out of the way, stop policies that encourage extended court litigation, bogus restraining orders and willful violations of visitations by the custodial parent with no consequences.

Are Fathers an Endangered Species?




While thinking about Father’s Day this week, I took a look at the latest Census Bureau statistics on fatherhood. And I made what felt like a startling discovery: There are far fewer American fathers than I thought.

How many Americans are fathers? Less than half, certainly. But how much less? The Census Bureau reports that there are 70.1 million fathers in the United States. That’s only slightly more than one in five Americans.

But there’s more to it than that. We’re talking so far about all fathers. That includes many who are, so to speak, retired. The kids have left home, and the fathers are no longer engaged in their daily care. I don’t mean to say that they stop being fathers, or that they are due any less tribute from their children on Father’s Day. If anything, they are perhaps more deserving of celebration; they and their children have reached an important milestone.

But now let’s look at the number of fathers who are still practicing their trade daily — I’m going to call them active fathers. Some 24.7 million fathers are part of married-couple families with children under 18. And another 1.7 million men are single fathers. It’s unclear how many of those still have children under 18 in the house, but let’s guess that many of them do, so we’ll throw them into the pool of active fathers.

That gives us just 26.4 million currently active fathers — only about one in 12 Americans.

I’m not really suggesting that fathers are an endangered species. There’s nothing in the census figures to suggest that the number of active fathers is declining. But we might argue, as is the case for some rare animals, that we are threatening fathers’ habitat.

Fathers thrive in a habitat in which they can earn money to support, or help support, their families. They thrive when they have time to spend with their children, time to read to them, to play Monopoly, and to teach them how to cook, or to build things, or to sing and play guitar. (Each of us would have his own list.) They thrive in a habitat in which they have time to think about how to do a better job of taking care of their kids. And although single parents can raise healthy children, many fathers thrive when they have a satisfying relationship with their wives or partners.

Fathers might not be endangered — but their habitat is certainly threatened. 

The grindingly slow recovery of the economy is making it hard for fathers to earn enough to help support their families. Those who do have jobs are working more hours, taking time away from checkers and family dinners. In many families, both parents are working, leaving less time for fathers and partners to work on their relationships with each other.

Let’s celebrate Father’s Day, and a hat tip — more than a hat tip — to fathers who are working hard to do what’s best for their children.

But let’s not forget that we have real work to do to make the world a little safer for fathers and families. Fathers are not an endangered species. But perhaps we want to make it a little easier for them to thrive.

by Paul Raeburn



Fighting war against terrorists in Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan is a diversion to keep the citizens of the United States distracted about the terrorist psychopaths in the American Legal System.

I have discovered that there is no access to the United States legal system for the middle class and poor of the United States. I came to these courts asking for justice and I left further …injured. When I asked the legislature and the administrative system that is set up to oversee the legal system, I was sent a curt response that no laws or ethics had been violated. These administrative personnel have condoned the use of terror in our court system. The administrative personnel and/ or pathology personalities have colluded with the crooks of the system and have become supporters of terror (tools of the psychopath). Our courts have become tools for the wealthy to oppress the poor. There are administrative laws on the books of each state. Although these laws are not available to the public, you must have access to the legal search engines to find these laws. You will need to go to a law library and use the legal search engines to find the laws of your state.

This is another aspect of terrorism, keep the rules secret, and run by a secret organization that is not monitored by public citizens.

The terror system that I faced was family court. This court claims to assist families in the state break the state contract of marriage. They actually post the motto: “Helping the families of Florida”. While in reality, they are torturing and committing Florida families to a life of torture and grave danger; financially, physically and emotionally.

I am unable to afford an attorney and the system wants me to go away and accept the crimes they have committed. This court system has caused complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, an injury that many terrorist organizations skillfully employ to damage and keep the victim lifeless and quiet.

The same occurs all over the nation. Our system of justice plays favorites; you are a favorite until the money runs out or if you have more money than the other spouse. Divorce to a personality disorder is war and there are disordered attorneys who also have no conscience. I hope that one day we will all be able to heal and join together to stop the legal torture of vulnerable citizens.

Without a dispassionate and objective justice system based directly on the Constitution there can be no justice. Individuals must know they can have justice despite income or condition. Without these conditions being met no free market is possible. We provide tools for the accomplishment of this, the true justice, enacted by the people.


Glen Gibellina






Calling all Fathers that have not been able to enjoy Father’s Day with your children because of custody issues, Corrupt Family Court decisions, PAS or any other reason you can not see your children.

Join us Fathers Day Sunday June 16,

2013 at the Manatee Courthouse 1051 Manatee Ave.

West Bradenton, FL 34205

1pm to 4pm

Guest speakers are welcome…tell us your story.

Filming for a Documentary on Family Courts in the 12th Circuit Court

As Fathers, lets STAND OUR GROUND for our children and make a difference

1051 Manatee Avenue West (google map) (yahoo map)

WLYB………Never give up, never retreat and never, never surrender.

The Facts on Fatherlessness


Fatherlessness is a growing problem in America and the Western world. Whether caused by divorce and broken families, or by deliberate single parenting, more and more children grow up without fathers. Indeed, 85 per cent of single parent families are fatherless families.

Writing about the situation in America in 1996, sociologist David Popenoe said this: “The decline of fatherhood is one of the most basic, unexpected, and extraordinary social trends of our time. Its dimensions can be captured in a single statistic: In just three decades, between 1960 and 1990, the percentage of U.S. children living apart from their biological fathers more than doubled, from 17 percent to 36 percent. By the turn of the century, nearly 50 percent of American children may be going to sleep each evening without being able to say good night to their dads.”

And these trends are not without negative consequences. Father absence has been shown to be a major disadvantage to the well-being of children. The following is a summary of the evidence for the importance of fathers and the need for two-parent families.

One expert from Harvard medical school who has studied over 40 years of research on the question of parental absence and children’s well-being said this: “What has been shown over and over again to contribute most to the emotional development of the child is a close, warm, sustained and continuous relationship with both parents.” Or as David Blankenhorn has stated in Fatherless America: “Fatherlessness is the most harmful demographic trend of this generation.”

Another expert puts it this way: “There exists today no greater single threat to the long-term well-being of children, our communities, or our nation, than the increasing number of children being raised without a committed, responsible, and loving father.”

Bryan Rodgers of the Australian National University has recently re-examined the Australian research. Says Rodgers: “Australian studies with adequate samples have shown parental divorce to be a risk factor for a wide range of social and psychological problems in adolescence and adulthood, including poor academic achievement, low self-esteem, psychological distress, delinquency and recidivism, substance use and abuse, sexual precocity, adult criminal offending, depression, and suicidal behaviour.” He concludes: “There is no scientific justification for disregarding the public health significance of marital dissolution in Australia, especially with respect to mental health.”

A New Zealand summary of the data based on national and international research conducted over the past two decades also found major positive outcomes for children when fathers are present, and negative outcomes when fathers are absent. The report states:

“The weight of the evidence is that fathers can make unique, direct contributions to their children’s well-being. These findings held true after controlling for a range of factors, including mothers’ involvement, children’s characteristics, children’s early behavioural problems, family income, socio-economic status over time, stepfather involvement and family structure.” It goes on to list the many specific ways in which fathers positively contribute to the well-being of children.

And the importance of fathers is neither a recent nor a merely Western truth. The need and importance of fathers is an historical and universal given. As anthropologist Bronislaw Malinowski put it, “The most important moral and legal rule concerning the physiological side of kinship is that no child should be brought into the world without a man – and one man at that. . . . I think that this generalization amounts to a universal sociological law.” There may be cultural variations, yet “through all the variations there runs the rule that the father is indispensable for the full sociological status of the child as well as its mother, that the group consisting of a woman and her offspring is sociologically incomplete and illegitimate.”

Here then is a sampling of the evidence:

Economic difficulties

  • In America, among families with dependent children, only 8.3 per cent of married couples were living below the poverty line, compared to 47.1 percent of female-headed households.
  • Also in the US, a nationally representative sample found this: “In 2005, the median income for married couples was $66,067, which was $35,000 more than the median income for single mothers, $19,000 more than that of single fathers, $43,000 more than that of single women, and $24,000 more than that of single men. Married couples made up 79 percent of the highest quintile income and 17.9 percent of the lowest income quintile.”
  • In Australia, a recent study of 500 divorcees with children five to eight years after the separation found that four in five divorced mothers were dependent on social security after their marriages dissolved.
  • Figures from Monash University’s Centre for Population and Urban Research show that family break-up, rather than unemployment, is the main cause of the rise in poverty levels in Australia.
  • A joint report from AMP Life and Canberra University’s National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling says that divorce leaves both partners worse off economically, but women tend to experience the biggest fall in disposable income.
  • A recent US study “found that by far the ‘biggest factor’ associated with child poverty in a county is the proportion of households headed by unwed mothers with children under 18 years of age.” They established that every 1 percentage-point increase in these households correlates with a 1.2 percentage-point increase in the county’s child-poverty rate.

Educational performance

  • American children from intact families have a 21 per cent chance of dropping out of high school whereas children from broken families have a 46 per cent chance.
  • American school children who became father-absent early in life generally scored significantly lower on measures of IQ and achievement tests.
  • A recent Concordia University found clear positive effects of a father’s influence on the behavioural and cognitive development of children. For example, “for both boys and girls, fathers’ positive parental control predicted higher Performance IQ and fewer internalizing problems over six years later.”
  • A study of Australian primary school children from three family types (married heterosexual couples, cohabiting heterosexual couples and homosexual couples) found that in every area of educational endeavour (language; mathematics; social studies; sport; class work, sociability and popularity; and attitudes to learning), children from married heterosexual couples performed better than the other two groups. The study concludes with these words: “Married couples seem to offer the best environment for a child’s social and educational development”.
  • A Melbourne University study of 212 children found that fathers, even more than mothers, had a major beneficial influence on children in their first year of school. The study found that kids with regular father involvement were more cooperative and self-reliant in school than kids who did not have father involvement. The more regular involvement the father has with the child, the study’s author said, the better the child does in his or her first year of school.

Criminal involvement

  • A British study found a direct statistical link between single parenthood and virtually every major type of crime, including mugging, violence against strangers, car theft and burglary.
  • Also in the UK, studies have shown that “children from broken homes are nine times more likely to commit crimes than those from stable families” and “seven out of 10 offenders come from broken homes”.
  • One American study even arrived at this startling conclusion: the proportion of single-parent households in a community predicts its rates of violent crime and burglary, but the community’s poverty level does not. Neither poverty nor race seem to account very much for the crime rate, compared to the proportion of single parent families.
  • In Australia, a recent book noted the connection between broken families and crime. In a discussion of rising crime rates in Western Australia, the book reported that “family breakdown in the form of divorce and separation is the main cause of the crime wave”.
  • Maryland researchers found that bullying and aggressive behaviour are associated with family breakdown. This is especially the cause of girls’ aggressiveness: “the percentage of single men and mother-alone families rival neighborhood violence as providing the most explanatory power” for aggressiveness among girls.

Involvement with drugs and alcohol

  • A UCLA study pointed out that inadequate family structure makes children more susceptible to drug use “as a coping mechanism to relieve depression and anxiety.”
  • Another US study found that among the homes with strict fathers, only 18 per cent had children who used alcohol or drugs at all. In contrast, among mother-dominated homes, 35 per cent had children who used drugs frequently.
  • A National Institutes of Health study showed a clear connection between non-intact families and child drug abuse: “Our analyses indicated that children from intact families used significantly less inhalants, marijuana, and amphetamines than children from single-parent families.”
  • A New Zealand study of nearly 1000 children observed over a period of 15 years found that children who have watched their parents separate are more likely to use illegal drugs than those whose parents stay together.
  • A South African study found that teens from single parent homes were more likely to consume alcohol and do so from an earlier age. Of those who ever drank, 81 per cent of the teens aged 16-18 lived with parents who were divorced compared to 51 per cent of students whose parents were married and living together.

Sexual problems

  • Studies from many different cultures have found that girls raised without fathers are more likely to be sexually active, and to start early sexual activity. Father-deprived girls “show precocious sexual interest, derogation of masculinity and males, and poor ability to maintain sexual and emotional adjustment with one male”.
  • A US study found that girls who grow up without fathers were “53 percent more likely to marry as teenagers, 111 percent more likely to have children as teenagers, 164 percent more likely to have a premarital birth, and 92 percent more likely to dissolve their own marriages.”
  • Another US study made this conclusion: “youth who spend part of their childhood/youth living in a household that does not include their biological father are more likely to smoke regularly, become sexually active, and be convicted of a crime.”
  • New Zealand research has found that the absence of a father is a major factor in the early onset of puberty and teenage pregnancy. Dr Bruce Ellis, Psychologist in Sexual Development at the University of Canterbury in Christchurch found that one of the most important factors in determining early menarche is the father: “There seems to be something special about the role of fathers in regulating daughters sexual development”.
  • A British study found that girls brought up by lone parents were twice as likely to leave home by the age of 18 as the daughters of intact homes; were three times as likely to be cohabiting by the age of 20; and almost three times as likely to have a birth out of wedlock.
  • Bill Muehlenberg’s commentary on issues of the day…

Glen Gibellina on Family Courts Must Be Reformed!

Time to reform the broken 12th Circuit Family Court
Published Apr 6, 2012 Bradenton Herald

Time to reform the broken 12th Circuit Family CourtImage
In a recent court decision by the Honorable Jannett Dunnigan of the 12th Circuit Family Court, a college-educated father was denied permission to home school his 10-year-old daughter after the daughter missed 44 days of school under the care and custody of the former wife.
Judge Dunnigan also stated, “I am finding, sir, that you have failed to show that you either have the capability of home schooling, or that home schooling would be in the child’s best interest.”
Put the child back into the school system, though the school district can neither account for the 44 missed days nor did they trigger any investigation for excess absences or truancy reports as required by law and the Florida statutes. The failure of the school system has caused my daughter not to meet the attendance requirement.
I believe every parent has the God-given right to raise their children with the least amount of government interference, as protected by our Constitution.
Family court is broken beyond repair. It’s time to dismantle the current draconian system that encourages high-conflict attorneys for both sides, and if one side cannot afford an attorney, well, you see the result it has on pro se litigants.
Where’s the “Family” in the 12th Circuit Family Courts, because I don’t see it.
Glen Gibellina
Read more here: http://www.bradenton.com/2012/04/06/3983665/time-to-reform-the-broken-12th.html#storylink=cpy

Glen Gibellina on Where Have All the Fathers Gone?


Society, family courts must empower, not limit, fathers

By Glen Gibellina  Published: May 6, 2013 Bradenton Herald, FL.

Where have all the fathers gone?

Family courts and feminism have stripped men of their ability to be authority figures. Men who express any type of authority are labeled as mean, uncaring, and even abusive.

Their role as father has been reduced to nothing more than that of a helpless bystander who can no longer parent with any authority.

We are headed for absolute disaster if we do not start changing the message now and start teaching fathers that it is OK to be authoritative and teaching them to lay down the law with their children.

We need to let men know that being a father is OK, and that having their child cry or be punished for acting badly does not make them some sort of monster.

Fathers have lost their place in the family and are now left confused and powerless while their children walk all over them and become the misguided leaders of the family. It’s a recipe for disaster.

It’s time to give fathers back their power as parents. Society and family courts need to wake up and see the irreparable damage being done to our children. Family courts have hindered a father’s ability to parent effectively.

Children need rules, direction, and authority in order to thrive. Children need to fail, to fall down, to get hurt, to cry, and to see consequences to their actions in order to be healthy and well-adjusted.

Third-party “experts” who are not qualified to control their own family life have no place in our family lives. Jury trials would assure that.

If society and family courts would spend as much time and money putting the family back together instead of separating them we as a nation would be better off.

Glen Gibellina


Never Give Up, Never Retreat and Never, Never Surrender


Congressional Testimony: Glen Gibellina to Bill Windsor of Lawless America 


Family Court, make it a Federal Case


What would you do?

Parents Increasingly Turning to Federal Courts for Civil Rights Protections

Imagine you are in a divorce.  You’ve been a dedicated parent and you aren’t a convicted felon or being accused of a crime.  Now imagine walking into a local court for a procedural hearing and in a single decree your children are banned from seeing you, speaking to you or communicating in any way based solely on hearsay and allegation.  Nothing’s been proven, no due process has occurred to prove anything yet a capricious judge has made a snap decision that changes the rest of your life and your children’s.   What would you do?

Unfortunately this scenario is the real life experience of thousands of families across the country. An overzealous or biased Judge makes a snap decision that takes away the most important things in our lives.  Whether or not you were the one seeking divorce there’s very little that parents who find themselves in this situation can do.   Even when children are banned ‘temporarily’ from their parents, months can drag on to years between court dates and there’s no pause button in life.  Milestones go by, alienation grows, bitterness increases and worst of all children experience immense pain and loss.   Surprisingly most states have no provisions to intervene when children are banned from their parents yet this is one of the cruelest punishments that a court can levy.

While the US Constitution gives the powers of marriage, divorce and adoption to state civil courts, state civil courts simply ignore their obligations to support the civil rights protections of parents as held in the US Constitution.   Parents who can’t afford attorneys can lose their children fighting spouses with access to legal assistance.  Children who are the ones ‘protected’ have no say in bizarre custody decisions.  Evidence standards are non-existent in family courts in the USA so children can be taken from parents purely on accusation.  However, since many courts receive federal aid and recent Supreme Court cases like Turner vs. Rogers have reinforced the concept of due process in divorce many parents are turning to federal courts to seek restoration of their parental rights based on civil rights arguments.

As parent Gary Treistman of Ulster County, New York who recently filed a civil rights suit against New York says, “Losing access to my children for no crime or proven allegations is a violation of my civil rights and my children’s civil rights.”  Treistman continues, “I’ve not been convicted of any crime or any wrongdoing, yet a civil court is punishing me and my children more harshly than a criminal court could for most any crime based entirely on hearsay and unsupported accusations.”     Treistman knows he has an uphill battle but like so many other parents seeking civil rights protections in divorce he has no other recourse.    Treistman is hoping that the Federal Courts will uphold his child’s civil rights to due process and that Title 42 laws will allow him to seek retribution from New York State for taking his children away for years without due process or substantive cause.

As M says, a mother from New York who recently lost her children for no logical reason, “removing my child is the greatest punishment a court could impose yet due process is ignored and I have nowhere to appeal.” As the primary care giver for her young child M was shocked when a Judge made the snap decision to temporarily remove her daughter from custody based on vague and unproven allegations.  In M’s case, like so many others in New York and elsewhere the Judge imposed an extra layer of cruelty by forcing the former stay-at-home mom to have her visits supervised.  But with ‘visitation’ costing over $200 an hour and visits limited to only a few hours M finds it impossible to maintain a relationship with her young child and her child is under tremendous psychological stress from the situation.

After thirty appearances in Family Court that have led nowhere M decided to file suit in Federal Court for violation of her constitutional rights to due process and parental rights to protect her child.  As M states, “Legal Guardians, custody evaluators and attorneys have tremendous unchecked power in New York without the protections of due process we are led to believe we have as Americans.”  One baseless allegation to an irritated Judge from a connected attorney can lead to life-shattering decisions that are near impossible to change.  With no jury or effective supervision of the courtroom behavior of judges or custody evaluators recommending such harsh punishments families have no guarantees of due process. Once the tables are turned against a parent and child by a Judge, legal guardians or custody evaluators there are no checks and balances ensuring the integrity of the cruel and unusual punishments that family courts can decree.

Though M is realistic about Federal Courts jurisdiction she wants change in the system as much as she wants relief from the pain of being separated from her child.   “It’s my hope that this federal complaint will protect parents from their right to fair and speedy trial and raise awareness of the cruel punishments parents face without due process in cases where there are no signs of abuse.”  It’s near impossible for children and parents who are banned from each other to contain their emotions in terse, supervised meetings yet New York officials notate every remark, touch, tear and comment and tend to use emotion against the banned parent.  M hopes her appeal for due process for both her and her daughter will force New York State to look at evidence and not base their decision on hearsay.  After thirty appearances in family and supreme court  M has little hope to regaining a normal relationship with her child.

While some parents are seeking civil rights protections under the 14th Amendment and others are seeking compensation for unjust actions under Title 42, still others are seeking RICO prosecutions against groups of attorneys, judges and court appointed experts who work together to bankrupt families.   As New York parent Gary says “the assigned Attorney for Child in my case coerced payments from me without providing accounting of her work, or representing my child’s wishes.”  Since legal guardians are supposedly critical representatives for children’s legal rights, by refusing to work when payment wasn’t possible Gary and parents like him face tremendous punishments for not being able to pay expensive court-ordered divorce professionals.

In New York for example, where both parents must file for sole custody, the costs of court ordered experts can exceed $50,000 including custody evaluators, guardians and attorney’s fees.  Parents who can’t afford to pay find themselves without their children.   When groups of judges, experts and attorneys repeatedly work as teams to use child custody as the basis for huge fees that bankrupt families, some parents believe that there is basis for RICO prosecutions.   Since the local courts are not bound by due process and ethics enforcement of judges, attorneys and experts is near non-existent groups of divorce professionals can easily use the court system and custody as tools of extortion.  Unfortunately for parents, criminal RICO statutes must be brought forth by the US Government and the US Government is unwilling to review the business practices of the divorce industry in many states.

Many parents who face the cruel and unusual punishment of parental rights termination have turned to activism to raise awareness to the lack of civil rights that families encounter in family courts in America.   For example, Greg Roberts started the Family Civil Liberties Union (fclu.org) to help parents fight unjust removal of their parental rights.  As Roberts’ website accurately states, “Once in the family court system, it can be years and hundreds of thousands of dollars before an average family emerges from the system – broken, slandered, extorted, exploited and forever damaged beyond repair.”  Roberts sees the family court system as “sanctioned corruption” that creates “conflict for cash” with no regard for the civil rights of the children or parents involved.

As Roberts site points out, the ACLU and other civil rights organizations turn a blind eye to the atrocious violations of civil rights that middle class families face in family courts.   Generally speaking the victims of family courts have enough money to pay attorneys for some time and are religious, heterosexual and often times not minorities.  The ACLU is aware of the civil rights abuses that families face in family courts and they have acted on behalf of one family in Montana that they publicize on the ACLU website, however, this was a gay relationship which is an area that is a traditional focus of the ACLU.  The ACLU is unwilling to aid middle-class Americans and children even though hundreds of thousands of children see their lives destroyed each year in family courts devoid of due process protections.

Some insight can be garnered on the US Government’s position on the civil rights of families in the refusal of the US to join UNICEF’s  Convention on the Rights of the Child.  The United States is the only member state of the UN besides South Sudan and Somalia to not ratify this act.  This act “combines a right to protection through the State, parents and relevant institutions with the recognition that the child is a holder of participatory rights and freedoms,” states UNICEF.  This act acknowledges parents as the primary care givers of a child and vastly limits the cases where a child can be removed from a parent.  Since many parents are removed for capricious reasons, this statement from Article 2 of the act would give parents a strong basis to fight unfair removal of custody.  ‘States Parties shall take all appropriate measures to ensure that the child is protected against all forms of discrimination or punishment on the basis of the status, activities, expressed opinions, or beliefs of the child’s parents, legal guardians, or family members.’ Interestingly enough, many of the conservative groups who lobby hard for the rights of the unborn child oppose this bill and the civil rights of living children because they feel that it will provide basis to interfere with home schooling.

In April, 2013 Russia, in a retaliatory action against the United States, banned a list of important US figures from Russia on the basis of human rights violations.  Interestingly enough Russia chose to ban the US Attorney from Southern New York, Preet Bharara.  While the reasoning for Mr. Bharara’s ban was not related to children’s civil rights Mr. Bharara and other US Attorneys should rightly be called out for not protecting the civil rights of children.    The US Attorney’s office is well aware of the collusion and civil rights abuses that are commonplace in US family courts but because of the deep political protections of the Divorce Industry in most states, the Justice Department is uninterested in protecting the civil rights of children and families in the face of a powerful industry lobby.

The parent-child relationship is sacred and deep and should be defended as strongly as any basic human right but sadly, even though these rights have been explicitly recognized by the U.S. Supreme Court, in the United States and in New York in particular, poorly supervised lower courts and agencies use children as extortion tools for a predatory divorce industry.   States have proven themselves unable and unwilling to protect the civil rights of children and families so parents are forced to go to federal courts to protect basic civil rights.   The US Government has precedential authority to intervene in local courts to protect the civil rights of the unprotected as they’ve done for minorities, women the disabled and others.  It’s time for the US to act for the sake of our children to provide due process and civil rights protections in divorce and child custody.  No child should be banned from a parent except in the most extreme circumstances, and it’s time to stand up for the rights of children.

I began the article by asking you to imagine being a parent who has just lost their kids unexpectedly in a mundane and terse court hearing.   Now imagine yourself as a young child who is suddenly told by a court that your parent is a bad person and harmful, though they’ve never committed a crime and have been your loving supporter.  What would you do?



Congressional Testimony: Glen Gibellina to Bill Windsor of Lawless America  http://youtu.be/2ytNK_jYf3Y



June 1, 2013

Fatherless Day……….again.

Dear Joan Krauter <jkrauter@bradenton.com>

I would like your paper to consider doing a story on Fathers day that would include my story, my struggles with the 12 Judicial Family Courts. I am not the only father out there facing this under the current system. A systemic way that the courts allow PAS parental Alienation Syndrome to thrive in the 12th Circuit court. A destructive and manipulative process.

Their stakes are high and costly to all involved .

The alienating parent treats the target parent like a disease in the child that must be removed. Parents who do this are not interested in mere control. Their stakes are higher: total annihilation of the target parent’s bond with the child. Little by little, alienation in a divorce case starts to take root. And when it fully takes root, I see the child’s boundaries collapse when it fully takes root the child’s boundaries collapse before my eyes. Soon the child forgets how to protect him or herself, and must align with the alienating parent as if life depends on it — because it does.

I want to tell you what happens in court, and how to let others know how to fight against the inclination to give up like so many hurt, alienated parents — who are, frankly, not always welcomed in the courts. Case in point. My case 2002DR43354 Manatee 10 years, 4500 pages, 765 Docket entries and my reward for trying to get more than 4 days a month with my only child..NO CONTACT No crime, no abuse, I have never been found to be an unfit parent yet no contact. I have not seen my child in YEARS, nor has her grandmother and our family suffers from this injustice. She will turn 12 in July. Not a phone call, not a visit.

I contribute this situation brought on by the high conflict attorneys and other “experts” brought into the family court arena that in many cases can not even handle there own personal lives with there own children, or worse they have NEVER had any childcare, yet they want to control our lives with our children.

High-conflict divorced families adjustment by children in high-conflict divorces to escape the conflict by allying with one parent. Legal and therapeutic intervention should be aimed at keeping some kind of contact going so that the child can mature enough to stand outside of the conflict and form relationships with both parent

It’s time to expose Family Courts for what they are…destructive

Please tell our story, in “the best interest of the child” and tell the “rest of the story”

http://youtu.be/2ytNK_jYf3Y Congressional Testimony: Glen Gibellina

My Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/ACTOFCOURAGE

Face Book PAS https://www.facebook.com/pages/PAS-Parental-Alienation-Syndrome/140641201842

Reena Sommer, Ph.D. http://www.divorcingmistakes.com/articles/PASreview.pdf

Majopr Family Services http://www.majorfamilyservices.com/parental-alienation-syndrome-pas-its-causes-cures-costs-and-controversies.html

Fighting Fathers http://www.fightingfathersofdistrict1.com/pas.php

Mary Lund A Therapist’s View http://www.fact.on.ca/Info/pas/lund01.pdf

Case Law http://www.hslda.org/docs/nche/000000/00000075.asp


Letters To The Editor Glen Gibellina

Where have all the fathers gone?

I want to thank you for your consideration in this very important matter, you paper has published many, many letters to the editor from myself about the Family Courts and have always had overwhelming responses to my letters.

I am a Parents advocate for the rights to be a parent with the least amount of government interference as stated in our Constitution. The U.S. Supreme Court has consistently protected parental rights, including it among those rights deemed fundamental. As a fundamental right, parental liberty is to be protected by the highest standard of review: the compelling interest test.

Now if we can just get the Family Courts to recognize this as well.


Glen Gibellina actofcourage@yahoo.com

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.






As a court observer I have been concerned in what is happening in Family Courts lately. I am struck by the overall apathy of people until it directly affects their lives. Apathy is the very thing that destroys a nation. When we become apathetic we let down our guard and allow the wolves to enter the sheep’s fold. These wolves are cleverly disguised as sheep but no matter what they look like on the outside they are wolves who seek to devour every thing in site. That our current system that allows and encourages high conflict in the Family Court is unacceptable and destructive in nature.

America’s family courts are causing millions of children undue suffering as a result of rulings which result in one parent, usually the father, being cut out of their childcare’s lives. These actions against our children are NOTHING LESS THAN CHILD ABUSE, the results of which we are just now realizing all across this country. If you have any doubt, just Google corrupt family courts, then post a comment.

Collaborates, (foster care givers, Guardian ad Litem volunteers, mental health professionals, parenting coordinators and others) HARASS, LIE, MANIPULATE, VIOLATE COURT ORDERS, COERCE, INTIMIDATE, COMMIT PERJURY, VIOLATE LAWS (Federal and State). This system is BROKEN and they all know it! This system produces HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of dollars in Federal Funding for the states annually; and infinitely more lining the pockets of the participants (judges, attorneys, social workers, mental health professionals, doctors, pharmaceutical companies, women’s shelters, foster parents, foster care facilities, only to name a few).

It’s time for the wrecking ball to swing the other way and dismantle our current Family Courts as we know it today.


Glen Gibellina